Reaching The End Of Your Life

cremation services in Northern Cambria, PAIf you have an illness and you know your life is coming to an end, it can be very hard to deal with the emotions you have swirling around inside. You might have a list of things you still want to do and a list of things you know you should do, like arrange your own cremation services in Northern Cambria, PA. Here are a few ways to make the most of the time you have left.

Put Relationships Above All Else

There are few people that, at the end of their life, say, gee, I wish I’d worked harder or goodness, I wish I’d watched more TV. You’ll want to put your relationships with your family first. You may be tired and not have a lot of waking hours. When you are awake, spend time with your family in a meaningful way. That might mean watching a movie while snuggling with someone you love or playing a board game with a friend. You want to give them special memories to hold onto later.

Be Good To Your Body

IT can be hard to think about yourself and what your body needs when you have so many other thoughts going on in your head. But you want the life you have left to be as pain free and comfortable as possible. That means taking the best care of yourself that you can. Try to eat, even little amounts, when you can, even if you aren’t hungry. Try to drink small amounts of water and stay as hydrated as possible. You want to have the most possible energy for the people around you when you are able to be awake and be with them.

Make Your Wishes Known

IT’s hard to talk about the end of your life but if you and everyone know it’s coming, it’s better to make your wishes known so those around you know what you want and don’t have to guess when they have to arrange your final services. You can tell your family what you want and leave the rest up to them or you can take another step and make your own arrangements to relieve them of that burden. You are able to have peace of mind that everyone is on the same page and you know that no one has to do anything once you pass on, other than grieve the loss.

If you want to talk about your wishes for cremation services in Northern Cambria, PA or even traditional burial, the professionals at Simple Alternatives Funeral Home & Crematory are here to help. We understand you are at an emotional point in your life as it nears its end and we will treat you with compassion and respect as we support you through the planning process. You can visit us at 717 Main St Windber, PA 15963, if you are up to is, otherwise, you’re also welcome to call us at (814) 533-5832 and we’ll go over options by phone and get your plans in place.

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Simple Alternatives Funeral Home & Crematory
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