Funeral Homes Over The Holidays

funeral homes in Westmont, PAThere’s never a good time for you to lose a family member and have to deal with funeral homes in Westmont, PA, final services, and grief. But if there’s ever a time of the year that is worse than the others, it’s around the holidays. Holidays are supposed to be joyous times of the year and now, this time around, the holidays are marked with grief and sadness instead. And next year, you will feel grief again as the anniversary will always be a reminder at that time of year. When you lose a loved one during the time of the year when you are supposed to be happy and celebrating, use some of these ideas to help yourself through the situation.

Set Aside Time For Your Grief

Even though you are working on final service plans, friends and other family might be continuing on with their holiday celebrations. Don’t feel like you have to attend those parties and celebrations as you might normally. It’s okay to be sad, take time away, and grief, even during the holidays. Even if you do go to some occasions, it’s still okay to spend a few moments alone here and there remembering your loved one. In fact, set aside special time just for grieving to make sure you get those important things in.

Add Holiday Touches To The Services

Anyone who attends the final services you are organizing is aware that the death is hard and that the holidays are looming at the same time. You could add a few holiday touches to the services to make everyone feel the spirit of the season while they honor your loved one. You could sing seasonal songs that your loved one liked, offer holiday cookies at the reception, or acknowledge the season through the person presiding over the services. These touches can be a nice way to celebrate the season a bit while honoring your loved one.

Give Back Through Gifts

The people around you just want to make you feel better, though nothing can really do that for you. They will likely send flowers, cards, and monetary gifts to the funeral home. To remember your loved one in a special way, you might want to give those monetary gifts to a certain charity that your loved one held close and dear. Perhaps there’s a local shelter for women and children they supported that could use extra money at this time of year. Or you could use the money to buy gifts for children in hospitals during this time. That can make you feel the season while you remember your loved one.

funeral homes in Westmont, PAThere’s no such thing as a good time to visit funeral homes in Westmont, PA to set up final services for a loved one. But when the holidays hit, things feel even harder when death touches your life. The professionals at Simple Alternatives Funeral Home & Crematory are here to support you through plans with compassion any time of the year, even around the holidays.

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Simple Alternatives Funeral Home & Crematory
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